Hi. I'm Liz.

I empower survivors of

sexual trauma to

find their voice ,

reclaim their bodies,

& take the lead

in their fertility journeys. 

Hi. I'm Liz.

I empower survivors of

sexual trauma to

find their voice,

reclaim their bodies,

& take the lead

in their fertility journeys. 

Download the Customizable IVF Calendar

Use this free calendar to keep track of your stims schedule.

Keep in a dry erase pocket to use again & again!

Does this sound familiar?

Something really scary happened to you- maybe months or even years ago- that left you feeling unsafe in the world.

❌ Your body no longer felt like your own.

Your sense of self shattered.

Your relationships suffered.

You felt powerless and vulnerable.

You- my friend- are a trauma survivor.

And now, as you work to grow your family, you have entered the world of infertility.

You didn’t choose this. 

You never imagined that making a baby would involve an entire team of people poking and prodding your insides and outsides, being privy to details of your menstrual cycle and your partner’s sperm count.

Yet after some time...

🍍You’ve come to terms with twice-daily injections as your new “normal” 

🍍You are acutely aware of your hormone levels and know way too much about fertility terminology

🍍You’ve surpassed the physical and mental stamina you ever imagined you’d need

Does this sound familiar?

Something really scary happened to you- maybe months or even years ago- that left you feeling unsafe in the world.

❌ Your body no longer felt like your own.

Your sense of self shattered.

Your relationships suffered.

You felt powerless and vulnerable.

Maybe you identify as a trauma survivor... or maybe you are just beginning to unpack the extent in which traumatic events have impacted your life.

Either way, your past experiences are now compounded by your present fertility struggles.

You didn't choose this.

You never imagined that making a baby would involve an entire team of people poking and prodding your insides and outsides, being privy to details of your menstrual cycle and your partner’s sperm count.

Yet after some time...

🍍You’ve come to terms with twice-daily injections as your "new normal” 

🍍You are acutely aware of your hormone levels

🍍You can recite the ABCs of infertility terminology in your sleep

🍍You are operating on auto-pilot because you’ve far surpassed your mental and physical capacity

What you didn’t prepare for was being

harmed and retraumatized by your providers. 

All it took was one ultrasound, one phone call, or one uncomfortable experience in the waiting room to bring you into your new reality:

You are a number. A womb. A checkbook.

Even though you have your own story + feelings + experiences that need to be tended to with sensitivity, care, & compassion…

You are treated with a one-size-fits-all approach. 

No, strike that. It’s a one-size-fits-no-one approach.

This cold and clinical model misses the heart of the human experience:


Your infertility journey has left you feeling alone, unheard, depleted, hopeless, and retraumatized

Your doctor is insensitive. The procedures are invasive. The clinic either fails to communicate clearly– or doesn’t communicate at all.

From the seemingly insignificant details to the most vulnerable, wanting anything more than the status quo requires you to be your own advocate every step of the way.

Advocating for yourself might look like:

  • Telling your doctor about your trauma history to prevent being triggered or retraumatized (because let’s face it, they won’t ask unless you bring it up)

  • Requesting extra sheets for privacy & comfort during exams or procedures

  • Asking for a dedicated nurse (rather than a revolving door of providers) who is familiar with you and your history

None of it is fair.

Imagine if you...

💜 Felt heard and seen by a trauma survivor + infertility warrior who also happened to be a licensed clinician

💜 Took back control of some of the most stressful parts of the infertility process

💜 Had an organized system for your medications, fertility calendar, and financial statements

💜 Felt equipped & empowered to request easily digestible (aka “kindergarten level”) information about your treatment protocols

💜 Felt confident advocating for yourself with a personalized trauma-informed advocacy plan for your infertility treatment

Imagine that your trauma was met with sensitivity and reverence without assumption, without judgment, and without being pushed beyond your comfort level.

Yes, that’s all possible.

I'm Liz, and I'm here to help.

Highly Sensitive Therapist, business owner (Infertility Advocacy & Organize and Thrive), wife, goldendoodle momma, organizer, forever learner, quiet leader, social introvert, think-outside-the-box creator, trauma survivor, and infertility warrior.

In September 2022, my husband and I were thrown into the world of infertility. After experiencing limited communication and blatant lack of sensitivity by my providers, I promptly fired my first doctor after she pushed back on my requested timeline for (future) embryo transfers due to my trauma history.

I was devastated. My husband was enraged. We both felt defeated.

It took two more tries to find the right doctor, and I was retraumatized again and again along the way. Triggered and shocked by the lack of resources available to infertility warriors with a history of sexual trauma, I became determined to fill this gap in care through:

✔️ Building community

✔️ Creating resources for survivors

✔️ Advocating for trauma-informed infertility care as a universal practice

I knew that I wasn’t the only survivor feeling retraumatized during infertility treatment, but it felt like I was. My mission is to support survivors so they don't have to feel ashamed, alone, or unheard.

Stay Tuned... More Coming Soon!

Download the Customizable IVF Calendar

Use this free calendar to keep track of your stims schedule.

Keep in a dry erase pocket to use again & again!

First Service Offering

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Second Service Offering

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Third Service Offering

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